I'm Mandi Le Grange and this podcast is all about taking your life and mental state into your own hands and learning how to take control of who you are now and create who you want to become. I'll give you mindset tools, new perspectives, personal growth and development techniques, and practical tools you can implement in your life immediately! I am a certified life coach and my mission is to help you take full responsibility for your life, because as soon as you do that you take back your power to create the life and mental state you want! Let's get into it!
Ep.31 Don't wait for later to start living a better life!!
"I'll start on Monday," "Next year will be different," "I just need to get this in place first, and then I can go all out!" We all experience this burst of inspiration and hunger to change now and again; these moments are rare and wonderful! However, what you do in that EXACT moment will determine whether you will succeed and flow with your inspiration or return to your old ways. In this episode, I explain why it's so important to take immediate action (even if it's small) and also HOW to take that action!
YouTube video link: Don't wait for later to start living a better life!! (Ep.31)
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